Soporte & Consultoria

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sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

a2billing caller id

auto_setcallerid = Yes    |    force_callerid = [BLANK]    |    cid_sanitize = No
The account number for the A2Billing customer we are using is 7599833548 –
a2billing account number
In the a2billing voip account settings we have nothing set –
voip settings caller ID
and in the A2Billing customer account we have no caller IDs set –
a2billing customer account caller ID
Now if we make a call from a SIP client (I’m using Zoiper) the A2Billing account number will be presented as the called ID, in this case “7599833548”. Actually if I call my mobile in the UK I get “+7599833548”. I think this is because the mobile provider is seeing it as a number in an international format.
In Zoiper (and in other clients it may be called something different) we have a setting for caller ID name –
zoiper caller id name
You should be aware though that, as far as Asterisk and A2Billing is concerned, caller ID number and caller ID name or 2 separate things. If we set the caller ID we want to be displayed in the “Caller ID Name” box this is NOT the number that will be presented when we make a call. However, look out for another blog post soon that will show how to do this!
Presenting a caller ID
Often what you will want to do is present a specific caller ID for a customer, or allow them to do it themselves.
There are a couple of ways to do this, this is the way I would recommend as being the most flexible.
In A2Billing / Settings / agi-conf2 / set cid_sanitize = ‘CID’ –
Now in the A2Billing customer account enter the caller ID that you want them to use –
add caller id
Now when I make a call I get “441604283000” presented as my caller ID.
And if I want to allow the customer to set their own caller ID I can go to A2Billing / Customers / Groups / Default – and allow the customer to see the Caller ID menu –
They will then see the Caller ID menu page in the customer GUI and be able to add new ones. If they add multiple entries I think the last one will be used –

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