Soporte & Consultoria

Soporte Remoto y Consultoria skype : ambiorixg12.
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sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

phpagi spoof

//wait a minute to give everything a chance to settle

//I had it set up to check the callerid against a set of valid peeps - but i decided i was tired of that. and it made it too complex.
//get caller id. 
$cid = $agi->parse_callerid();
$cid= $cid[username];

//streamfile that says "Enter number to spoof"
//beep then get the resulting 10 digits - set it to spoofnumber
$result = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 10);
$spoofnumber= $result['result'];
$agi->verbose("Spoof Number:".$spoofnumber);
//streamfile that says "enter number to call"
//beep then get the resulting 10 digits - set it to callnumber
$result = $agi->get_data('beep', 3000, 10);
$callnumber= $result['result'];
$agi->verbose("Number to call:".$callnumber);
// set caller id to the spoofnumber

//call the number using whatever you got
//notice i have placed the 1 before the callnumber. this is so that i can keep everything ten digits. and cuz i am lazy
$agi->exec("Dial IAX2/yourpassword@provider/1".$callnumber);

// That is it. simple.. scary and easy

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

phpagi conference system

#!/usr/bin/php -q

$agi = new AGI();


 $cid = $agi->parse_callerid();






martes, 3 de marzo de 2020

Len Execif


same=>n,ExecIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}> 2]?Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):1}))