Soporte & Consultoria

Soporte Remoto y Consultoria skype : ambiorixg12.
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martes, 2 de abril de 2024

custom transfer json


exten=>_x.,1,Noop( DID ---${EXTEN}---  and   CALLERID ---${CALLERID(num)})


same=>n,GotoIf($["${receiver}" = ""]?from-trunk,*788${EXTEN},1)

 same => n,NoOp(My action is: ${action})

 same => n,NoOp(My receiver is: ${receiver})

 same => n,NoOp(My duration is: ${duration})

 same => n,NoOp(My language is: ${lang})

 same => n,NoOp(My language is: ${cid_name})

 same => n,NoOp(My language is: ${cid_number})

 same => n,NoOp(My filename is: ${filename})


 same=>n,GotoIf($["${duration}" = ""]?from-internal,${receiver},1)











// Check if command line arguments are provided

if ($argc < 3) {

    echo "Usage: php script.php [DID] [CID]\n";



// Get DID and CID from command line arguments

$did = $argv[1];

$cid = $argv[2];

// Construct the URL

$url = "$did/$cid";

// Read JSON data from the URL

$jsonData = file_get_contents($url);

// Check if JSON data is successfully fetched

if ($jsonData === false) {

    echo "Error: Unable to fetch JSON data from URL.\n";



// Decode the JSON data

$data = json_decode($jsonData, true);

// Check if JSON decoding was successful

if ($data !== null) {

    // Check if "rule" key exists and is an array

    if (isset($data['rule']) && is_array($data['rule'])) {

        // Loop through each key-value pair in the "rule" array

        foreach ($data['rule'] as $key => $value) {

     //echo  "$key=> $value\n";

        echo "SET VARIABLE $key \"$value\"\n";


    } else {

echo "Error: 'rule' key not found or not an array in JSON data.\n";



{"total":2,"rule":{"action":"transfer","receiver":"1220","duration":false,"start_sound":false,"lang":null,"filename":null,"cid_name":"CB FRANCE","cid_number":"33-8140"}}