exten => s,1,Answer
same=>n,ChanSpy(${chan},Bq) ; channel passed from the url
/*parameters */
$param= array("host"=>"localhost","port"=>5038,"trunk"=>"tw0","timeout"=>45);
/*form variables */
$socket = fsockopen($param['host'],$param['port'], $errno, $errstr,$param['timeout']);
fputs($socket, "Action: Login\r\n");
fputs($socket, "UserName: admin\r\n");
fputs($socket, "Secret:1456\r\n\r\n");
echo $wrets;
fputs($socket, "Action: Originate\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Channel: Local/s@spy\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Application: playback\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Data: $msg\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "CallerID: $cid\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Variable: __var1=$src\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Variable: __chan=$chan\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Async: yes\r\n\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n");
sleep (1);
/* test url
/*parameters */
$param= array("host"=>"localhost","port"=>5038,"trunk"=>"tw0","timeout"=>45);
/*form variables */
$socket = fsockopen($param['host'],$param['port'], $errno, $errstr,$param['timeout']);
fputs($socket, "Action: Login\r\n");
fputs($socket, "UserName: admin\r\n");
fputs($socket, "Secret:1456\r\n\r\n");
echo $wrets;
fputs($socket, "Action: Originate\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Channel: Local/s@spy\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Application: playback\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Data: $msg\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "CallerID: $cid\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Variable: __var1=$src\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Variable: __chan=$chan\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Async: yes\r\n\r\n" );
fputs($socket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n");
sleep (1);
/* test url
$_GET['chan'];=channel where audio will be played, as using B, audio will be played to both channels
If you want to play the audio file to an specific channel only use the
If you want to play the audio file to an specific channel only use the
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