Soporte & Consultoria

Soporte Remoto y Consultoria skype : ambiorixg12.
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domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Instalando y configurando el CDR ODBC en Asterisk

Installing and Configuring ODBC

The ODBC connector is a database abstraction layer that makes it possible for Asterisk to communicate with a wide range of databases without requiring the developers to create a separate database connector for every database Asterisk wants to support. This saves a lot of development effort and code maintenance. There is a slight performance cost, because we are adding another application layer between Asterisk and the database, but this can be mitigated with proper design and is well worth it when you need powerful, flexible database capabilities in your Asterisk system.
Before you install the connector in Asterisk, you have to install ODBC into Linux itself. To install the ODBC drivers, use one of the following commands.
On CentOS:

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2014

CISCO IP Phones 79XX con Asterisk

Recently we had a pack of cisco 7942G phones that we were required to get them up running with Asterisk. The good thing about 79XX series is that they all support SIP besides SCCP. Whereas, the bad thing is that they are by default running on SCCP and you have to upgrade them to SIP first. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure this out, as I were going to use SIP Version 8 and there is no to-the-point documentation (at least not that I could find!)

Here are the steps you need to get this up and running: 

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Desintalando FreePBX

Saltar al final de los metadatos
Ir al inicio de los metadatos

These Steps will completely erase your FreePBX settings. There is NO going back. Please make note of this and make the required backups

sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Bash Script para monitoreo de status de una extension o troncal en Asterisk

Estructura del Script

export DISPLAY=:0.0
A=`asterisk -x " sip show peer 1018" | grep -i status | cut -d' ' -f11 `

if [ "$A" != "OK" ]; then

B=`asterisk -x "originate dahdi/g0/18097145874 extension
923@emergency" `

echo "Servidor no disponible  $(date)" >> /root/lg.log

echo "Server up"
# echo $A