Soporte & Consultoria

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martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Como grabar llamadas en Asterisk presionando dos botones

Aqui les dejo como grabar llamadas presionando 2 botones desde nuestro telefono  *3

(Una nota muy las grabaciones se alojan por default en la ruta /var/spool/asterisk/monitor, a menos que cambiemos dicha ruta  en el archivo asterisk.conf)

Use the automixmon feature. This feature is built into Asterisk. You just have to enable it in a couple of configuration files. First, set the automixmon option in features.conf to the key sequence you would like to use for enabling or disabling recording:

automixmon = *3

Now that the key sequence has been set, you must modify extensions.conf to allow callers to use this feature. This is done by setting the x and/or X options in the Dial() or Queue() application:


Give the called party the ability to toggle call recording using the automixmon feature.


Give the calling party the ability to toggle call recording using the automixmon feature:

; When someone calls my extension, dial my phone and give; me the ability to enable recording on the fly.
exten => 7001,1,Dial(SIP/myphone,30,x)

The featuremap section of features.conf has some other features that are configured and enabled in this same manner. You configure the key sequence for the feature in features.conf and then enable the feature on a per-call basis using arguments to the Dial() or Queue() applications. Here is a list of all of the features in the featuremap section:


DTMF triggered blind transfers. Enable it using the t and/or T options to Dial() or Queue().


DTMF triggered attended transfers. Enable it using the t and/or T options to Dial() or Queue().


DTMF triggered call hangup. Enable it using the h and/or H options to Dial() or Queue().


DTMF triggered call parking. Enable it using the k and/or K options to Dial() or Queue().


DTMF triggered call recording using the MixMonitor() application. Enable it using the x and/or X options to Dial()or Queue().


DTMF triggered call recording using the Monitor() application. We recommend using the automixmon feature instead of this one unless you have a specific need for using Monitor() instead of MixMonitor(). Enable this feature by specifying the w and/or W options to Dial() or Queue().

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