<title>AJAX Timer Example</title>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
function callAgentConf() {
// Fetch the session variable via PHP and inject it into the URL
type: "GET", // Use GET method
url: "call_file.php", // Path to the PHP script
data: { wpExten: "<?= $_SESSION['wpExten']; ?>" }, // Pass the session variable using GET
success: function(data) {
console.log(data); // Log the response from the server
if (data == 'ok') {
txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i><?=$TEXT_Entrato_in_conferenza?></i>"; // Success message
gotConf = false; // Set a variable (you can modify or use it as needed)
} else {
txtCallStatus.innerHTML = "<i><?=$TEXT_Errore_Non_entrato_in_conferenza?></i>"; // Error message
// Call the function after 1 second
setTimeout('callAgentConf()', 1000);
session_start(); // Make sure session is started if you are using session variables
// Retrieve the 'wpExten' GET parameter from the URL (passed via AJAX)
if (isset($_GET['wpExten'])) {
// Use the GET parameter to set $myPaddedUserId
$myPaddedUserId = "989898" . str_pad($_GET['wpExten'], 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
// Debugging: Output the $myPaddedUserId to make sure it was set correctly
// echo "Using wpExten: " . $myPaddedUserId;
// Running the system command to kick the user from the conference bridge
$sysCmd = "/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'confbridge kick ".$myPaddedUserId." all'";
$foo = `$sysCmd`; // Execute the system command
// Prepare the .call file contents
$callFilePath = "/tmp/" . rand(1000000, 9999999) . ".call";
$dialString = "Channel: SIP/" . $myPaddedUserId;
$callFileContents = $dialString . "\n" .
"MaxRetries: 0\n" .
"Context: sidialConfBridges\n" .
"Extension: " . $myPaddedUserId . "\n" .
"Set: myExten=" . $myPaddedUserId . "\n" .
"CallerID: conf <conf>\n" .
"WaitTime: 10";
// Write the .call file
$fh = fopen($callFilePath, "w");
fwrite($fh, $callFileContents);
// Move the .call file to the outgoing directory
$sysCmd = "/usr/bin/sudo /bin/mv " . $callFilePath . " /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/" . rand(1000000, 9999999) . ".call";
$foo = `$sysCmd`; // Execute the system command
// Output 'ok' to indicate success
echo "ok";
} else {
// If the 'wpExten' parameter is not provided, return an error
echo "error: wpExten parameter missing";