Asterisk 12 introduces the Asterisk REST Interface, a set of RESTful APIs for building Asterisk based applications. This article will walk you though getting ARI up and running.
There are three main components to building an ARI application.
The first, obviously, is the RESTful API itself. The API is documented using Swagger, a lightweight specification for documenting RESTful APIs. The Swagger API docs are used to generate validations and boilerplate in Asterisk itself, along with static wiki documentation, and interactive documentation usingSwagger-UI.
Then, Asterisk needs to send asynchronous events to the application (new channel, channel left a bridge, channel hung up, etc). This is done using a WebSocket on /ari/events. Events are sent as JSON messages, and are documented on the REST Data Models page. (See the list of subtypes for the
data model.)
Finally, connecting the dialplan to your application is the
dialplan application. From within the dialplan, you can send a channel to Stasis()
, specifying the name of the external application, along with optional arguments to pass along to the application.