Soporte & Consultoria

Soporte Remoto y Consultoria skype : ambiorixg12.
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miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Usando el chan_mobile en Asterisk must be loaded either by loading it using the Asterisk CLI, or by adding it to /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
Search for your bluetooth devices using the CLI command 'mobile search'. Be patient with this command as it will take 8 - 10 seconds to do the discovery. This requires a free adapter.
Headsets will generally have to be put into 'pairing' mode before they will show up here.
This will return something like the following :-
*CLI> mobile search
Address Name Usable Type Port
00:12:56:90:6E:00 LG TU500 Yes Phone 4
00:80:C8:35:52:78 Toaster No Headset 0
00:0B:9E:11:74:A5 Hello II Plus Yes Headset 1
00:0F:86:0E:AE:42 Daves Blackberry Yes Phone 7 

Buscando errores en los Logs de Asterisk.

Estos dos comando nos pueden ayudar a encontrar errores que causan un funcionamiento inesperado en nuestra central Asterisk.

grep -i  error /var/log/asterisk/messages | less

root@Asterisk-PBX:~# cat /var/log/asterisk/messages | grep -i error | less

root@Asterisk-PBX:~# cat /var/log/asterisk/messages | grep -i warning | less

root@Asterisk-PBX:~# cat /var/log/asterisk/messages | grep -i notice | less

grep -i  error /var/log/asterisk/messages > error.txt

Los dos primeros comandos nos muestran la informacion de  forma paginada en la consola de shell .

El tercero envía  el resultado del comando a un archivo de texto llamado error.txt

Si lo que queremos es leer en tiempo real los logs podríamos ejecutar el comando :

tail -f /var/log/asterisk/messages

Lista de de códigos de Respuesta SIP.

Lista de Codigos de Respuesta SIP.

100 Trying
Extended search being performed may take a significant time so a forking proxy must send a 100 Trying response
180 Ringing
Destination user agent received INVITE, and is alerting user of call.[1]
181 Call is Being Forwarded
Servers can optionally send this response to indicate a call is being forwarded.[1]
182 Queued
Indicates that the destination was temporarily unavailable, so the server has queued the call until the destination is available. A server may send multiple 182 responses to update progress of the queue.[1]
183 Session in Progress
This response may be used to send extra information for a call which is still being set up.[1]
199 Early Dialog Terminated
Can used by User Agent Server to indicate to upstream SIP entities (including the User Agent Client (UAC)) that an early dialog has been terminated.[2]

sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

Commandos Útiles Asterisk

root@Asterisk-PBX:~# asterisk  -x  " core show help " | less

 ! Execute a shell command
                    ael reload Reload AEL configuration
ael set debug {read|tokens|mac Enable AEL debugging flags
                  agent logoff Sets an agent offline
                    agent show Show status of agents
             agent show online Show all online agents
                 agi dump html Dumps a list of AGI commands in HTML format
                      agi exec Add AGI command to a channel in Async AGI
        agi set debug [on|off] Enable/Disable AGI debugging
     agi show commands [topic] List AGI commands or specific help
                 aoc set debug enable cli debugging of AOC messages

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Configurancion de una linea T1 en Dahdi

Configuring a Dahdi T1 Line

This webpage is about configuring a T1 line for Asterisk - it should work equally well for E1 cards. If you haven't at this time, read the pages on this website about Testing Dahdi Hardware. It'll give you an introduction into how the Dahdi cards integrate with Linux and Asterisk - probably too much information!
The script "dahdi_genconf" creates a generic configuration for both the FXS/FXO and E1/T1 Dahdi cards. In most cases, /etc/dahdi/system.conf will have to be manually tweaked to your requirements.
Make sure that your cards are blacklisted as per the instructions at Testing Dahdi Hardware and that the card modules are being loaded at /etc/Dahdi/modules as per the instructions at Dahdi Drivers Once that is verified than you are ready to perform the configuration of the first file: /etc/dahdi/system.conf. At this point you will need to know your service provider's T1 settings or if you are connecting to a channel bank, its T1 configuration.
This webpage is divided into two sections:
  1. Configuring the T1 Line Parameters (this page)
  2. Configuring the T1 Channel Parameters

Como instalar Asterisk 11 en Ubuntu 14 LTS

Billy Chia November 14th, 2012

Last week I put up an install guide for Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6. Asterisk 11 is the latest LTS release of Asterisk with many great new features and long term support! To follow up on the previous tutorial, I’ve put together a step by step guide for Ubuntu 12.4. Although most of the steps are similar there are a few differences. This tutorial will work for Ubuntu, Debian and Debian-based distributions. View the CentOS guide for Redhat-based distributions. Watch the video for a screencast of my terminal session to see the install live with an explanation of each step. Below you’ll find the commands are printed for you to copy and paste.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Como instalar Asterisk 11 en CentOS 6

Home » Asterisk » How to Install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6

How to Install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6

Billy Chia November 5th, 2012
With the recent release of Asterisk 11 I thought I’d put together an install tutorial for Asterisk 11 and Centos 6. (An Asterisk install tutorial for Ubuntu 12.4 LTS will be coming soon!) As an LTS release Asterisk 11 has been developed for stability and long life. Additionally, Asterisk 11 boasts many great new features including WebSocket transport for SIP, chan_motif, SIP NAT traversal via ICE, Named ACLs and more! For a full list of new features visit the Asterisk wiki. Watch the video for a screencast of my terminal session to see the install live where I explain each command step by step. The copy and paste commands can be found below.

Instalacion paso paso de Asterisk 11 en Ubuntu Server

 actualizamos sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo reboot
Instalar el UUID


 apt-get install uuid-dev

  apt-get install libossp-uuid-dev

  apt-get install libghc-uuid-dev

Instalamos las dependencias para curl

$ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

instalamos en network time protocolsudo apt-get install ntp

Instalamos las dependencias para la base de dato interna de asterisk sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
1 sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
2 sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion
3 sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev vim-nox
4-sudo apt-get install libnewt-dev ( esta dependencia es para que nos funcione el make menu 


viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

Manejando Asterisk desde Aplicaciones externas con el Asterisk manager interface (AMI)

Como ya muchos sabemos es posible controlar Asterisk desde aplicaciones externas  como por ejemplo  un web browser (firex fox, chrome). Aqui les dejare un ejemplo rapido y facil  acceder a nuestra central  Asterisk remotamente y ejecutar cualquier comando como si estuvieramos en la consola del  Asterisk. Lo primero es que tenemos que configurar son dos archivos el manager.conf (aqui agregamos la cuenta con la cual vamos acceder remotamente, y luego http.conf donde configuramos  ciertos paramentros de acceso al pequeño web sever que trae asterisk. en todo caso ya subi los dos archivos editados solo tienes que sustituir los de tu central  Asteisk por los dos que he adjuntado al blog.