PCI slots
Aqui les dejo la tabla de compatibilidad de las tarjetas Digium basados en el tipo de PIC Slot
Today's PC motherboards feature a variety of PCI slot types. Here, for example, is a typical motherboard with varying types of slots:The numbers correspond to the following slot types:
1: PCI-Express x8 slot
2: 32-bit 5.0 volt PCI slot
3: PCI-Express x4 slot
4: 32-bit 5.0 volt PCI slot
5: 64-bit 3.3 volt PCI slot
6: 64-bit 3.3 volt PCI slot
Slots 1 & 3 PCI-Express x8 and x4 respectively, are compatible with the following Digium telephony card products:
- TE420, TE220, TE121, AEX2400, AEX800, AEX410, TCE400, HB8, TE820
- TE405, TE407, TE205, TE207, TE120, TE122, B410, TDM2400, TDM800, TDM410, TC400, HA8
- TE410, TE412, TE210, TE212, TE120, TE122, B410, TDM2400, TDM800, TDM410, TC400, HA8
- http://www.digium.com/en/docs/misc/pci_slot.php